This is a question I get asked a lot. And if you know me, you know I am all about uplifting and empowering those on both sides of this game. I truly feel like all of my clients choose me based on what how much of myself I am putting into my business and truly perpetuating a vibe that only attracts those who can resonate with will “buy” into.
It’s important to make note about what you’re looking for in clients. That’s not an invitation to say things like, “to buy services for me”, to “not care about price”. Because honestly, they’re usually on your site because they’re interested in what you’re serving, and there’s not a person in this world where price doesn’t matter — especially if you’re a millennial who only has money for ramen and rent.
You need to really think of what your business means to you, and what you want to offer your clients. What makes you a unicorn in the middle of a horse pin. Both are beautiful, but a majestic unicorn is certainly going to stand out.
The Makeup industry has grown a million times more populated since I started almost 10 years ago. It’s honestly crazy to see how many people are popping up each week with little to no experience and totally killing the game! I’m probably one of the only people you’ll run into that’s 10 years into their formal makeup career who thinks the wave of new comers is incredible for the industry. I learn something new from gals at Sephora all the time.
This loops into the first point, but it should stand on it’s own. Build connections with your clients by asking their history/experience with makeup. The average person doesn’t know what they’re looking for regardless of if you’re speaking to DP’s or private clients. They’re looking to you for guidance. Be exactly that! Ask questions, take criticism, and be mature enough to understand. You need to know what your client’s comfort level with makeup is, or the DP’s expectation of makeup (is it for corporate, who is the character you’re creating).
You’re never going to find a normal set of hours as a MUA. You’re always going to be all over the place in this industry. It’s not like a salon, or stereotypical beauty counter work. You’re going to have some mornings that start at 2am, and some evenings that end at 11pm. You’ll need to understand you need to be very flexible with the company/client you’re working for and constantly deliver great results.
Also being okay with someone changing their mind or not loving an idea you have. Sometimes doing a trial run, or a tech day is important to make sure everyone loves what’s going to be created whether it’s for a character or private client.
You know, just practice good sanitation, great etiquette, and remain being a professional personality when working. Does that mean you have to be someone you’re not — absolutely not! You can 100% throw your personality into the mix and still be professional. I think business’ get so caught up in being “professional” they forget that during intimate moments, people want to know who’s delivering those services or products. Don’t forget your you’s or why’s. Keep the at your center, even when deciding how to be professional.
You heard it — life is so dang stressful and you’re not the only one eating ramen like I said earlier. Everyone is facing a great deal of stresses, losses, or disappoints me in their lives. Creating a space/energy that your clients can truly feel at ease during their time with you is so important finding the “right” client for you.
It could be as simple as helping them get settled when they come in for the first time, asking them if they need a drink, diving straight into a polite conversation. You’d be surprised what that initial energy can define about your relationship with that client.
Making sure you provide a safe, clean, and comfortable spot is important as well. Make sure they’re as comfortable as you can reasonably accommodate. I’d highly recommend creating a space to meet with clients, or finding an environment you can control to provide that type of experience with them. Making sure they feel relaxed and comfortable with your skills is super important.
So there you have it. Let me know if you use any of these to help improve your business with clients. I’d love to hear about it.