Cheers to 2019: A 2018 [early] Recap

As we’re wrapping up our 2018 Bridal season, I can’t help but reflect on our busiest, most impact season yet. In March, as my bookings in Raleigh, NC started to grow, I decided to throw in the corporate towel and pour all my soul into growing my own business.

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5 steps to collaborate successfully

Okay, okay. I know what you're thinking. Ashley, styled shoots are the backbone of amer-uh, the entrepreneurial. Don't tell me they're a bad idea. But, hear me out. I've been in this industry for some time now, ever growing, ever changing, and you guessed it -- ever collaborating.

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Life Lately: Joyful as it MAY

Hello Beauties! We're already in May, and this year has flown by and some amazing doors have been opening for me in my new city. 


- 7 Weddings
- 4 Bridal Trial Runs
- 2 Commercial Headshot Shoots
- 3 Meetups with local Boss Babes
- 4 Eyelash Extension Applications


- 1 Girls Trip to Texas.
- 1 Bachorlette Weekend
- 1 Concert (WonderYears)
- 1 Wine Walk at Waverly Place
- Lots of pool days
- A clean house (finally)


- Style shoot with Marie Killen
- Tons of Trial Runs + Wedding
- Roots Collective Styled Shoot
- Microblade Training
- Zoo Day Trip
- Continue to strive for work/life balance

What do you guys have going on?! How was your May? What goals do you have for June?